Beast by Megan Crewe

Beast by Megan Crewe review

Published: May 23rd, 2017

Format: e-ARC




Thank you to the author, Megan Crewe, for supplying me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Beast is a YA Urban Fantasy/Paranormal/Horror novel. When I first requested an ARC of this book, I didn’t read the description, and so I thought it was a Beauty and The Beast retelling. I was very wrong.

I don’t normally read ‘scary’ books, but Beast was scary – and I loved it.
For the first 30% of the book, I was bored. I didn’t like Max or any of the side characters, and I didn’t like the choices that were being made by the characters (such as not going to the hospital. Like come on!!) I was considering DNFing it, but I decided to push on.

I’m glad I did. By 45%, I was sucked in and I needed to know what was going to happen. This book kept me up at night because I was scared and intrigued.

Max was an unlikeable character. I never liked him, not even in the end. His decisions were questionable, and his morals were way out of whack. I also hated his constant rambling inner monologue about how he loved Jena, he needed to protect Ash (more like being a controlling jerk), and how he knew the real Davey was still stuck inside. I quite disliked Max, although I didn’t really like any of the characters – except for Vicky; I liked her. I felt they were very fake and two dimensional, and didn’t really speak like how teenagers speak (I should know, I’m a teenager myself).

I also had issues with Davey’s feelings for Ash. That felt very cliché. Max’s feelings for Jena were pretty cliché too. I felt the book could have been better without any romance at all, in my opinion.
While I wouldn’t have normally read Beast, I’m glad I did. Overall, I enjoyed it, especially the parts with Davey and him killing everyone. The descriptions of the deaths were awesome.

My BIGGEST problem with this book is when the gerbils are eaten by Davey. I thought that, while it may have been important to the plot, the extreme detail was unnecessary. I wish there had been a warning, at least, because although I did skim the part as much as possible, I felt quite upset by it.
All in all, Beast was a good book and I would recommend it for people who have a strong stomach and don’t mind being creeped out.

Overall rating: 3/5 stars!

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